Transform your life and health by eating wild food daily. Leave behind the consumerism and pressure of modern society and choose to co-create with nature. Stay Wild! Stay Human!

Start Learning Wild Herbs Today!
Hey there!


Read my story  ➝

After witnessing firsthand, as a Botanist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the devastating destruction of consumerism and disconnection,  
I formed Wild Herb Academy to restore the sacred co-evolved relationship between humans and plants. I know once you learn wild plants you will protect them and they will protect you. 


"Just three months worth of April's forage membership-free food and medicine and so many new ways to connect with nature- will last me a lifetime and has been truly life-changing."

Nicholas Shankin, Suburban Forager

"I never imagined that the tree or bush that I used to pass by without a thought could help cure a cold, relieve sinus pressure or help with digestive issues.  Now I appreciate plants and my connection to the natural world in a whole new way."

Amanda Odom
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Learn how to heal holistically with wild herbs!

Wild Herb Forage Membership!

Transform your life by connecting deeply with wild herbs. Join our wild herb membership, In Season, today for only $25 per month. We'd love to have you be a part of the ReWild Community!

In Person Events

Click the image to book an in person event! Come experience the pleasure and joy of wild herbs in person. 

Medical Botany 2 Opens this Fall!

Join a online ethnobotanical and wild herb journey unlike no other. Learn how to become a skilled forager and Earth protector. Click the man-of-the-Earth (Ipomoea pandurata) image to join the Medical Botany 2 Waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens. 

Join the Wild Herb Academy Newsletter to know when we release the Wild Herb Podcast show, open registration for courses, and to receive inspiration to keep foraging! I typically only send one email per week. No flooding of your inbox, I pinky promise.